Answer any question data

There are no fewer questions. On the contrary, every day new questions arise over and over again - and everything needs to be answered. Of course, search engines always save in these cases, and I wrote in an article about how to properly search for information on the web.

It is quite possible that some of you, dear readers, this information resource also interest. Moreover, this is not a young and newly minted project, but a respected site, which recently turned 6 years old. Please love and favor:

Note: the site does not work.

Guénon is a quick search for answers to questions

Over the years, the administration of the resource has done everything possible to interest visitors and turn them into their readers. For a month, this resource is visited by more than 3 million visitors, those who prefer to receive answers to their questions right here. Dozens of editors and hundreds of partner sites work with Guénon, providing us, visitors with high-quality and reliable information.

For example, to my question "How to cook mushrooms" I received comprehensive answers on the methods of cooking various mushrooms: champignons, chanterelles, honey agarics, butter and others. There is a feeling that everything is being done here so that we receive comprehensive answers and be satisfied with the results.

And this, friends, is neither more nor less - a huge saving of time. You can even compare by typing the exact same question in a search engine, and getting hundreds of pages in the search results with the information I supposedly needed. You need to go to each site in order to understand where the information is presented to me in a more convenient and understandable form. More than one minute will pass in this way.

But I love to value my time, so I am happy to take note of such information, which ultimately allows me to cope with matters and tasks more efficiently.

I ask you not to consider this article as advertising, to be honest, I was surprised when I heard the opinion of readers several times on my other similar articles that the article was ordered. I only write about what I like and what benefits me and, hopefully, my readers.

The authors of the site are happy to write about how the information retrieval system works. Initially, the task of the site was for the user to receive an unambiguous answer to his question. The goal of the project is still relevant today - to improve the ways of providing knowledge to people.

For information, anyone can add their answers, having previously registered on the site. The information is carefully checked by the editors and then enters the database. Guénon's knowledge base is formed from questions to which there are complete, unambiguous and relevant answers that do not contain any information garbage and advertising of goods and services.

Over the years, a system of work with Authors has been formed: there is an incentive scheme, which depends on the number of visits to the answers and their quality. Become Authors and earn! This is another source of additional income for you.

Today, for dessert, a video for those who are bored at the office. Hope you have some stickers in stock? It remains only to learn how to do various tricks with them!

In order to find the answer to any question, today it is not necessary to go to the library and spend many hours looking for the necessary information. Modern search engines on the Internet offer many ways to do this quickly and efficiently.

As you know, in The world wide web contains a huge amount of information, both necessary and useless for a particular user. In order to quickly navigate this variety and not spend a lot of time sorting, there are so-called search engines.

One of the most popular and demanded search engines is Google. It is enough to drive a couple of keywords into the search line, and the system will immediately give out a huge amount of useful and interesting information in this area, sorted by the degree of value and relevance.

An important condition for effective search is the most accurate definition of keywords. It is necessary as detailed as possible, but at the same time, concisely compose a request for information on which you want to find. If you're looking for an answer to "where to buy red skis", don't ask "how to find flashy winter sports equipment." Brevity is the sister not only of talent, but also of the search engine.

If you need to find some exact phrase or quote on the Internet, you need to enclose it in quotation marks - this is a command for Google to search the Internet for an exact match of the phrase, and not single words from her. If your memory has let you down a little, and you are not sure that you remember exactly the sentence, you can insert an asterisk instead of the missing words, Google will understand you even at a glance. If an exact match is not necessary and you are happy with a selective match, just list keywords separating them not with commas, but with a vertical slash icon.

It is not always possible to find comprehensive answers to some questions in a standard way. To solve this problem, there is such a convenient function as advanced search.

Go to the search engine settings by clicking on the special gear icon on the right side of the screen and select the "Advanced search" option. On a separate page that opens, fill in the menu lines with all the necessary parameters of your request to the details. To the right of each field there is short description with examples to simplify the task. Among additional settings you can mark such parameters as search for pages in the selected language, in a specific country, by the date of information update. Here you can also specify the site or domain within which you want to search, as well as the possible location of the searched words on the page.

One of the rather interesting and useful functions is matching by picture. For example, you have a photo of an actor you know or a logo of a company, but you just can't remember, and for a good hour you've been puzzling over who this person is or what is behind the brand. Search system Yandex has simplified the task: by going to the "Pictures" tab, select the "Search by picture" option, load a photo from the gadget, and in a couple of seconds the system will display all possible matches. In 99 out of 100 cases, you will be able to identify the object.

Many answers to specific questions regarding a particular brand or product can be found on the company's official website. Oftentimes, big brands have an entire knowledge base with a list of the most asked questions. If the knowledge base does not have the answer you need, you can always contact the support team, which operates for all large companies of any direction: sports, fashion, technology, food. Even operators of card games have their own support service.

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All Q&A platforms work in much the same way. You register, post a question in a suitable section and wait. The system shows it to interested users, and when they respond, you receive notifications. Any participant can vote for the answers they like - this way the rating of the best of them is formed.

As a rule, each user has a personal number of points that are awarded for the answers given to them. The higher the number, the higher the member's reputation in the community.

Let's consider several such sites.

1. Answers Mail.Ru

The oldest question and answer service in Runet with an impressive audience. At first, you will be able to ask other members up to five times a day. This figure will grow as you yourself answer other people's questions and perform other actions in the service.

In the community, you can ask two types of questions: standard and in the form of a poll, which involves users voting for your suggested answers.

2. TheQuestion

In terms of the number of replies and the speed of their appearance, this community is inferior to "Mail.Ru Answers". But, according to my observations, the quality of answers is better on TheQuestion. Here, among others, you can find accounts of famous personalities who answer questions within their competencies.

If your question remains unanswered, you can address it to someone from the users who consider themselves experts in the relevant topic. But the number of such direct requests is limited: after seven requests, you yourself need to answer at least one other people's question.

3. Toaster

4. Quora

One of the most visited international platforms for the exchange of knowledge. Quora currently supports English and Spanish languages... Here you will find a huge number of headings for questions and a huge audience of users who are ready to help. Among the latter there are many public figures who also participate in the discussions.

You can ask questions for all participants and address them to specific experts of the site. For popular topics, users and moderators of the service together compose detailed encyclopedic answers in the format of wiki articles.

5. Stack Exchange

You can get the answer to any question from the information field of the Universe! A certified psychologist and an expert in the field of parapsychology told how to do this ...

You will learn about one very powerful technique that allows you to receive a variety of answers from the information field of the Universe¹!

This technique was shared with us by a certified psychologist, practicing yogi, genius writer and poet Pavel Nath.

Yes, this technique does not fulfill wishes, but it does something more!

- Allows you to find out how and with what you can find what you want!
- Provides answers to any questions!
- Helps to find a way out of a difficult situation!
- Allows you to gain knowledge inaccessible to others!
- Reveals the secrets of other people ...

How can I get an answer to any question?

1. The practitioner takes a comfortable position (you can do the work lying down or sitting). He takes several deep and slow breaths, exhalations. Relaxes all the muscles in your body. Let go of thoughts.

2. Then the practitioner clearly formulates the question to which he wishes to receive an answer.

3. After that, the practitioner imagines how a violet-colored ray is directed upwards into the Cosmos from (the crown of the head). It penetrates into the very depths of the Universe and is lost somewhere in its depths.

4. During this visualization, the practitioner again repeats the question of interest to himself (it can be several times).

5. Then the practitioner listens carefully to his inner world. The answer from the Universe can come at the most unexpected moment. It can be clothed in the form of images, thoughts, sounds.

6. After receiving the answer, the practitioner thanks the Universe for the help provided and makes several quick and energetic breaths in and out, after which he opens his eyes.


The answer from the Universe may not come immediately, but after a while, but it will certainly come. It is only important to listen to yourself and pay attention to external signs.

A proven fact!

The more often the technique is performed, the faster the answers come.

Notes and feature articles for a deeper understanding of the material

¹ The Universe is not a strictly defined concept in astronomy and philosophy. It is divided into two fundamentally different entities: speculative(philosophical) and material available to observations at the present time or in the foreseeable future (

Every second, the human brain performs 10 to the 15th power of operations, that is, 1,000,000,000,000 (trillion operations per second). Our brains work amazingly fast and clearly and doesn't stop working even when we sleep.

Nevertheless, every normal person, despite such a high functionality of the brain, has questions that he cannot find on his own the answer. And then he has to resort to various kinds of help.

Unfortunately, with the help of Google and Yandex it is not always possible to get an answer to an exciting question.

In encyclopedias, they do not inform us about how to act in a given situation, and they do not teach us this either.

Well, what can you do in such a situation?

I offer simple techniques that help to get an answer to any question.

All the answers are within us

Surely you have already heard the phrase many times: all the answers are within us! Yes Yes. Most likely you heard. But just how do you learn to get these most vital answers? How?

Are there any methods or techniques with which we can get answers not only from the depths of the memory of our soul, but also from the Universal Information Bank?

Having lived a nth period of my life, periodically faced with situations that require resolution and answers to questions, from time to time I tried on myself some miraculous methods, of which on this moment has identified the most effective for myself.

I am sharing these techniques with you in the hope that they will definitely help you in your quest. The main thing is to believe that everything works and just practice.

So, in order.

1 Technique: Interpret a phrase

The simplest, perhaps, but not one hundred percent method. I used this method when I was still an ordinary teenager, not even very aware that there is a Universal Information Bank 🙂

I used the book to get answers to my questions. I took a book of parables to get answers.

You can use for yourself the book you want, and even your entire library, choosing a new book every day.


Pick up the book of your choice. Close your eyes. Say your question in your mind.

Also, with your eyes closed, open the book to the page where the inner voice prompts you, and place your finger on any place on the sheet to the right or left, as you want.

Or mentally name the page, paragraph ...

Then open your eyes and see what is written in the place you choose. The answer is ready.

It may be that you will not immediately understand how what is said in this paragraph is related to your question. Do not despair.

Most likely, you will receive a transcript of the answer later in the form sudden mental illumination or from the lips of the people with whom you communicate.

You can ask up to three questions in one session, showing respect for the book. This way you will receive the most truthful and clear answers.

2 Technique: Intention and Hints from Above

Here, first you need to decide on the concept of what an intention is.

We thought with confidence that it would be, let go and forgot. Everything. Don't wait until it is fulfilled. Just let go. When you need to get an answer, it will definitely happen.

Now let's move on to the technique itself.


Concentrate on your inner world, dive into yourself, move the observer's focus to the heart center.

Free yourself from the many unnecessary thoughts that flicker in your head every second. Create inner silence.

Ask your question in your mind.

Speak it clearly and clearly, and then set out the intention that in the near future you will definitely receive an answer to it. Everything.

Inhale, exhale, thank yourself for the trust of the universe, and return to your daily life.

During practice, you should not think about how you will get the answer to your question. Trust the Universe.

The answer may come in the form of images, dreams, accidentally heard phrases, collisions, situations. Or perhaps you will simply be overwhelmed by "insight," "insight," "insight," or "awareness."

The most important thing in this technique is to be one hundred percent sure that the Universe will make sure that your intention is fulfilled, and you will definitely receive an answer to your question.

I still don’t know how this happens, but it’s akin to some kind of “ordinary”)) miracle or magic.

I know one thing for sure. People who have a very clear alignment with the world of subtle energies receive hints from the Universe and even full answers to their queries.

3 Technique: A glass of water and normal sleep

This practice is quite simple. You will need to do a series of simple actions in a clear order, seasoning them with some clearly formulated thoughts.


Before going to bed, fill a regular glass with clean drinking water. Drink half with your eyes closed.

Mentally, while drinking half a glass of water in slow sips, speak your question.

Then tell yourself, "That's all I have to do to find a solution to the problem I'm thinking about."

And feel free to go to bed.

After that, do not talk to anyone or try to mentally go over possible options solving your question.

Let the universe see to it that you get the answer. And water in this case will serve as an excellent conductor of information.

When you wake up in the morning, the first thing you should do is drink the remaining half glass of water.

And your subconscious mind for the answer you received in a dream, or if, as it seems to you, you did not receive an answer, mentally say to yourself again, closing your eyes: "This is all I need to do to find a solution to the problem I am thinking about." ...

Answers can come in a dream. Or it could be the same moment of insight, awareness, the same insight, the same random phrase, or another hidden clue.

It is important to remember that you can ask the same question no more than three times in a row. Then just let go of the situation.

The answer will come anyway. No wonder they say: "The morning is wiser than the evening."

4 Technique: Connecting with the Higher Self or Spiritual Assistants

If you practice meditation often, I think it will not be difficult for you to enter a meditative state and get answers to your questions.

And in this you can be helped by your Spiritual Assistants or your Higher Self. It depends on whom you most often communicate with. The main thing is to learn how to communicate with them internally.


Choose a cozy, quiet place where no one will bother you for twenty to thirty minutes.

Take a comfortable position for you, relax, let go of unnecessary thoughts and feel how you open up to accepting the answers to your questions.

Mentally invoke your Higher Self or other Spiritual Assistants who you have a connection with, who you contact most often, and clearly and clearly state your question.

Then just watch your inner space.

Be attentive to any signals that you receive in this state, be it images, pictures, light, sensations, words or thoughts that come to you.

Finally, the answer of the Higher Self is also a thought, it is not clear how it ended up in your head.

Observe what is happening within you. Choose from all this exactly what seems to you to be true, what is closest to you.

If the image you received is not clear to you, ask one more clarifying question.

When you feel that you have already received all the necessary information, thank your invisible assistants, including yourself, and return to the state of the here and now.

Perhaps you will not get an answer to your question the first time. Do not give up. Practice. In any case, this kind of personal work with yourself will benefit you.

5 Reincarnation method

This method can be called the most effective. I will explain in a few words why I came to this conclusion.

If, using the techniques prescribed in paragraphs 1-4, you can get answers to monosyllabic questions, then Reincarnation will allow you to see the big picture on the topic that interests you.

Using this method, you can view the set of the situation for which you are looking for answers. You can become an outside observer of everything that happens and observe events and even yourself from the outside.

Moreover, Reincarnation allows you to see alternative scenarios for the development of events.

That is, you can not only get an answer to your question, but you will also see several ways of developing the situation and choose the most suitable and correct path for you.

Well, Reincarnation also allows us to be in space, and in this place to receive answers to all our questions.

Once, when I was in this space, in the space of my soul, I discovered there one wonderful room. It was a library room.

It contained an infinite number of books, and they all contained answers to questions. All of these books were filled with knowledge.

For example, in the Ecumenical Library I saw a book called “The Great Patriotic War”, I saw the book “My Present Life”, which spoke about my real life.

I also saw a book called All My Lives: Past and Future. And it described all my incarnations, both before this life and after this life.

And then I realized that I could find absolutely any book in this space and view events that have already happened, or which may be. It was amazing! Such a find!

I would really like that every person who is looking for answers to their questions about their past and future could easily fall into this magical space - to the Universal Library of Answers.

Then humanity would become a little happier because we have the opportunity to visit the place where the Creator placed ALL the knowledge of our vast Universe ...

And to find out a way that makes it easy enough to get into the Universal Library of Answers, I invite you to watch the speech from the Day of the Reincarnist.

After watching the talk, you will be able to go through the "Universal Library of Answers" meditation.

P.S. Are there any other ways you can get answers?

P.P.S. Want to explore your space between lives,