Search the page keyboard shortcut yandex. Yandex Browser - a detailed overview of the settings and optimization of the speed of work. Hotkeys for moving through text, selecting text

The "+" sign means that you must press the indicated keys at the same time. For example, Ctrl + D, first you need to hold down "Ctrl" and, without releasing it, press the "D" key.

Hotkeys are configured the same for Google Chrome and Yandex browsers.

Windows and tabs


A new tab opens with a description of the main questions about the Yandex browser.


The view mode changes, switches to full screen view(all borders and menus are removed), if you press F11 again, the previous view will return.

Ctrl + T

A new tab opens with a quick access panel.

Ctrl + Shift + T

Open the last closed tab, very useful when you accidentally close the desired page of the site. Thus, you can open the last one first, then press again and the penultimate one will open, etc.

Ctrl + W

Close the active tab, that is, close the page that is in this moment open.

Ctrl + click with the mouse on the active link, or drag the link with the mouse to an empty space for the tab

Open a new tab with the page to which the link leads. If you drag the link to an existing tab, the page will open in the specified tab.

Ctrl + F4

Close active tab or pop-up window.

Ctrl + N

Open a new browser window (not to be confused with a tab).

Shift + click with the mouse on the active link

Open a new browser window with the page to which the link leads.

Alt + F4

Alt + Shift + I

Technical support service.

Alt + Tab

It does not apply specifically to browsers, but a very useful keyboard shortcut is switching between open windows (any programs, folders and full-screen applications). Hold Alt, and once pressing Tab, a menu appears for switching between open windows and the desktop. Each press of the Tab key moves the cursor to the next window to the right.

Alt + Shift + Tab

The same as the previous combination, only the cursor moves not to the right, but to the left.

Windows + M

Minimize Opera Browser (windows - Windows logo key, between Ctrl and Alt).

The need for knowledge of hotkeys arises when you regularly work with Yandex Browser. Usage quick combinations gives a significant increase in the speed of interaction with the tool. At first, memorizing them may seem difficult for untrained users, but with experience comes comfort.

Manipulation of windows and tabs

Opening and closing tabs in a Yandex browser is performed using a standard set of commands. For example, the combination Ctrl +T serves to create an empty tab. If you add the key to the combination Shift, the tab will additionally become active. You can close the tab that is currently active by pressing on the keyboard Ctrl +F4 or Ctrl +W... You can switch sequentially between existing tabs using the combinations Ctrl +Tab, as well as Ctrl +Shift +Tab.

Similar commands are used to work with windows. Keyboard shortcut Ctrl +N will create a new blank window. If you add Shift to the combination, the incognito mode will be additionally activated. Closes windows in Yandex browser by pressing Ctrl + Shift +W or Alt +F4... There are two commands for sending the parcels: Ctrl + LMB will open the target site in a new tab, and Shift + LMB- in a new window.

Bookmarks and history

There are 4 simple combinations for comfortable work with bookmark functions:

  • « Ctrl "+"D "- saves the selected page to the list of bookmarks;
  • « Ctrl "+"Shift "+"D "- saves to bookmarks all pages that are open in the browser at the moment;
  • « Ctrl "+"Shift "+"O "- an empty tab will be created in which the bookmark manager will open;
  • « Ctrl "+"Shift "+"B "- displays / hides the bookmarks bar located under the address bar.

The history of visits is controlled using the following keyboard shortcuts:

  • « Ctrl "+"H "- opens the section of the history of visits;
  • « Ctrl "+"J "- opens the download history section;
  • « Ctrl "+"Shift "+"Del "- calls the utility for cleaning history.

Editing, navigation and search

To edit information inside the browser page from Yandex, standard Windows combinations are used:

  • « Ctrl "+"Z "- cancels the last user action;
  • « Ctrl "+"A "- the entire text is selected;
  • « Ctrl "+"C "- copies the selected fragment;
  • « Ctrl "+"X "- cuts out the selected fragment;
  • « Ctrl "+"V "- inserts a fragment from the clipboard;
  • « Ctrl "+"O "- opens a local file.

For ease of navigation, there are the following hotkeys:

  • « Space "- scroll one screen below;
  • « Home » and " End "- the transition to the beginning and to the end of the page is performed, respectively;
  • « F5 " and « Ctrl "+"F5 "- refreshes the active page using and without using the cache, respectively;
  • « Esc "- stopping the loading process of the open page.

The group of search functions includes:

  • « Ctrl "+"F " or « F3 "- perform a search;
  • « Ctrl "+"Shift "+"G " and « Ctrl "+"G "- go to the previous and next found matches, respectively.

Features for developers and other useful features

When developing sites, a number of functions provided by the Chromium engine will be useful. For example, you can open the developer panel using the combination Ctrl +Shift +I or a simpler alternative - F12... Look source page allows keyboard shortcut Ctrl +Shift +U, and you can call the JavaScript console by pressing Ctrl +Shift +J.

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Often, inexperienced users personal computers and laptops may face such a problem as turning on the browser in full screen mode. Usually, this function is turned on by such users accidentally.

However, when faced with the unusual display of the Internet browser, people tend to strive to return to the interface they are used to.

The fact is that in general, full-screen mode allows you to view images, or information, without displaying the top toolbar.

This does not mean at all that it disappears irrevocably. It is where it should be, and I will tell you today how to put it back in place.

I will also tell you about how to fix the situation in different browsers... In order for the toolbar to return in Mazil, Yandex browser, you need to move the mouse over the top of the screen, that is, bring it to the very top. The control panel will become visible. After that, as soon as you move the mouse aside, the toolbar will disappear again.

If this mode, nevertheless, does not suit you, then in this case click on the settings icon in the right corner and in the window you will see the active full-screen mode emblem. Clicking on the icon - and the screen will take its normal position.

In the browser Mazila

Here is such an icon for using the full screen, you will find in Mazil's browser.

Yandex browser

In the Yandex browser, the icon looks different, and you can guess that it turns on and off full-screen mode only when you hover over it. Then a hint comes out, as you can see in the screenshot.

Opera browser

In Opera, when you move the cursor to the top of the screen, the panel does not appear, but a hint appears, clicking on which exits the full-screen state.

Google browser

In the browser from Google, when you enter full-screen mode, a hint appears for a few seconds that you can exit this mode by pressing the F11 key.

After that, it no longer appears, the panel at the top is also not visible. So, if you accidentally entered this mode and missed the hint, then getting out without knowing where to press is quite difficult for beginners.

Moreover, it is impossible to close the browser in this position. Just want to tell newcomers to computer affairs that you can close the browser using the ctrl + w or alt + F4 keys.

Therefore, conducting this analysis, I came to the conclusion that the browser from Google is the most inconvenient, in terms of management, for inexperienced users.

For all browsers

In all browsers, you can exit full screen mode by pressing the F11 key located in the top row of the keyboard. This key works for all browsers if you are using a personal computer.

For laptops, the key combination "Fn + F11" is often used. By the way, with the help this method using the options for a computer (F11), or a laptop (Fn + F11), you can also return to full screen mode browser at any convenient time.

It should also be noted that this method is universal for most Internet browsers and less problematic for both beginners and advanced users.


Summing up, I would like to note that if you accidentally opened the full browser screen, then do not be alarmed, press the F11 key, and the screen will return to its normal, familiar state for you.

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Sometimes it happens that you accidentally close a tab that you suddenly need it again. Of course, you can open the entire browsing history and find it there, but this requires a lot of unnecessary body widgets.

Modern browsers are able to open the last tab that was closed with a simple keyboard shortcut. And given that they are the same in almost all browsers, it is worth remembering them. In this short tutorial, we'll show you how to open the last recently closed tab that you accidentally closed in all modern browsers.

In order to open a closed tab, the keys you need to press are the same in most browsers. The keyboard shortcuts in major browsers are presented below.

Google chrome

To open a closed tab in chrome, use the keyboard shortcut

On computers with operating system Mac OS use keys


If you need to open a tab you just closed in Opera, use the same keys

Accordingly, on Macs, the keyboard shortcut looks like this

Mozilla Firefox

This browser also does not differ in originality from the previous ones. You can open an accidentally closed tab in Firefox with the same keyboard shortcut as in previous browsers, namely

or similar keyboard buttons on MacBook

Internet Explorer

Let's not forget about those who, for some reason, still use the standard Microsoft browser. You can open only a recently closed tab in Explorer, just like in other browsers, with a keyboard shortcut

On a Mac, thank God Internet Explorer does not exist.

Yandex browser

Fortunately for those few who use the browser from this search engine, opening a closed tab in Yandex is no more difficult than in other browsers, using all the same keyboard shortcuts. Yandex browser is built on Chromium and is analogous to Chrome with small add-ons, so nothing surprising.

and a similar keyboard shortcut for Mac OS


The browser from the apple company is perhaps the only one among the popular ones that distinguished itself. A tab that I recently accidentally closed can not be opened in Safari using combinations that work in all other browsers. To open a closed tab in safari, you will have to remember another key combination

On Mac OS, closed tabs open in the same way, only with cmd instead of Ctrl

Only a small hint can be added to everything written above: in all of the above browsers, using the presented keyboard shortcuts you can open not only one last tab that was closed, but as many as you closed, i.e. everything that is stored in the browser history. The more times you press the hotkey combination, the more recently closed history tabs will be opened.