Windows Update - Troubleshooting. Windows Update - fixing errors Windows 7 is not updated error

Centre Windows updates- elimination of errors

Sometimes, when you update the Windows operating system (OS) on your computer or laptop, errors and errors appear, which later lead to serious problems and problems.

Yes, such situations do not arise for everyone, but for the vast majority of users.

When the computer proceeds to complete the update installation process, the user may receive a notification that some kind of failure has occurred and a Windows Update error has occurred.

Some of these updates, which do not install correctly and cause crashes, can seriously affect the performance of your operating system.

And then users who face this kind of problems are forced to solve them on their own: go to the Internet and monitor each article on how this problem can still be solved (and whether it is possible at all).

To optimize your search time, we have collected some of the most popular and effective ways that can help you deal with the problem.


Microsoft has come up with a sensible solution and with care has made it easier for many people: on their official website technical support a project was launched: a special-purpose service for solving problems with updates, which was translated into Russian.

When a dialog box appears on the computer with the text "Windows update error 7/8 or 10", the user is given the opportunity to try this service and try to use it to solve the problem.

Yes, there is a possibility that this method may be ineffective, but at the initial stage of the problem it would be more expedient to contact the manufacturer's website.

Troubleshooting Windows Update Errors:

These maneuvers will help you get answers to questions about such common errors as 0x80073712, 0x8024402F, 0x800705B4, 0x80004005, and others less common.

In the event that you did not manage to solve the problem with these methods, do not worry, then they will be able to offer you other, more complex actions.

Let's tell you more about them and provide an algorithm of actions:

1 Select the version of the operating system that is installed on your personal computer.

To complete the cleaning and resolve all problems, you need to restart your computer.

As soon as it rebooted, go to Update Center and check if the errors have been fixed when searching and further installing Windows updates.

The script code looks like this:

@ECHO OFF echo Sbros Windows Update echo. PAUSE echo. attrib -h -r -s% windir% \ system32 \ catroot2 attrib -h -r -s% windir% \ system32 \ catroot2 \ *. * net stop wuauserv net stop CryptSvc net stop BITS ren% windir% \ system32 \ catroot2 catroot2 .old ren% windir% \ SoftwareDistribution SoftwareDistribution.old ren "% ALLUSERSPROFILE% \ application data \ Microsoft \ Network \ downloader" downloader.old net Start BITS net start CryptSvc net start wuauserv echo. echo Gotovo echo. PAUSE

Yes, of course, there are a number of reasons why updates are not downloaded and installed, and it is not so easy to solve them. But this method will help to cope with most of them.

In order to prevent this from happening again, we will give you some tips.

  • Check if there is enough free space on the computer disk. Free space must be at least 20 GB. If there is not enough space, run and remove from it unnecessary files and programs you are not using. After all, the lack of free disk space is one of the problems that can arise if you receive an error.
  • Remove from your system software that damages your computer. Killers are viruses and harm all important files and the computer in general.

Therefore, always use to diagnose and fix problems from time to time at an early stage.

  • Restarting your computer is one of the most effective techniques for troubleshooting updates. If the operation hangs and does not respond, then try restarting your computer and trying it again.

We really hope and believe that the information provided will help you fix errors in Windows Update. If you have any questions, you can watch the video:

Since the release of the first windows 10 update, microsoft has started to support the operating system very intensively. Releasing two patches every month to update. One patch for security, the second for system maintenance (fixing bugs, lags, interface improvements, design, etc.). Nevertheless, many users have to solve problems every month when installing updates for windows 10. After some time from user complaints, Microsoft released a tool that fixes a large number of errors when installing updates in Windows 10/8. You can fix common error codes in windows update: 0x80073712, 0x800705B4, 0x80004005, 0x8024402F, 0x80070002, 0x80070643, 0x80070003, 0x8024200B, 0x80070422, 0x80070020. We will analyze more methods than one tool from Microsoft and solve many errors when updating or installing updates to Windows 10.

How to fix windows 10 update errors

Let's start with the built-in option for fixing errors during the update. To do this, open " Options" > "Updates and security" > "Troubleshooting" > "Windows Update" and press " Run the troubleshooter".

Windows 10 update troubleshooter

Microsoft released a tool to troubleshoot errors when updating Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 7. I have collected all the popular ones in the system. Just follow the link and download or follow the steps below.

  • Go to microsoft website and download the diagnostic program.
  • Select system version and download Windows Update Troubleshooter.
  • For others Windows versions 8.1, Windows 7, follow the steps on the site, check the items and then you will solve many problems associated with the network update.

Resetting the Update Center cache in Windows 10

Sometimes it happens that the update cache in Windows 10 can be corrupted, which causes a bunch of errors with different codes. Especially this method helps a lot when.

  • Run command line as administrator. (see below how to start).
  • Copy the commands below, paste them all at once into the "command line" and press Enter.

net stop wuauserv
net stop cryptSvc
net stop bits
net stop msiserver
ren C: \ Windows \ SoftwareDistribution SoftwareDistribution.old
ren C: \ Windows \ System32 \ catroot2 catroot2.old
net start wuauserv
net start cryptSvc
net start bits
net start msiserver pause

If the process stops on the line net start msiserver pause, click Enter... After successful operation, close Command Prompt, open "Options"> "Update & Security" and click " Checking for Updates".

Fix Windows 10 Update Errors Using DISM

We will fix it using the command line and the DISM parameter. Open a command prompt as administrator.

In the line, enter or copy the following commands in order:

  1. DISM.exe / Online / Cleanup-image / Restorehealth
  2. DISM.exe / Online / Cleanup-Image / RestoreHealth / Source: C: \ RepairSource \ Windows / LimitAccess
  3. sfc / scannow

Wait after each command for 100% of the result and do not turn off the Internet and the computer from the network.

Stopping and starting services will fix errors with windows 10 update

For one of the common reasons that Windows cannot update or install updates, there may be other program processes blocking services. You can try restarting your computer and freeing up some of the processes. If it does not help, then we will analyze the method using the command BITS, stop and restart the services associated with the windows update center. Open up command line as administrator and enter the following commands in order:

Stopping services:

  • net stop bits
  • net stop wuauserv
  • net stop appidsvc
  • net stop cryptsvc

Starting services:

  • net start bits
  • net start wuauserv
  • net start appidsvc
  • net start cryptsvc

Empty SoftwareDistribution folder in Windows 10

The problem sometimes lies in the folder SoftwareDistribution where the windows update files themselves are stored. When the system downloads updates, they are stored in that folder. After successfully installing the updates, WUAgent deletes all old content from this folder, but sometimes these processes get confused and the folder remains with different files. We will manually clean the SoftwareDistribution folder so that there are no crashes and errors when installing windows updates. Open a command prompt as administrator and enter the following commands:

  • net stop wuauserv
  • net stop bits

Now let's go to the folder itself and delete all the contents in it. Go to the computer along the way C: \ Windows \ SoftwareDistribution and delete all files in that folder. If for some reason the files are not deleted, then try restarting the computer, or better and repeat the above steps again. After deleting the files, the problems should disappear, but as we remember, we stopped two Update services and WUAgent, now we will start them back. Open CMD and enter the following commands:

  • net start wuauserv
  • net start bits

Reset and restore the catroot2 folder

Catroot and catroot2 are operating room folders Windows systems that are required for the Windows update process. When launching the Update Center Windows folder catroot2 stores the signature of a Windows service pack and helps you install it. Resetting and restoring the catroot2 folder resolves many errors when updating or installing Windows 10 updates. To reset the catroot2 folder, run a command prompt as administrator and type the following commands, pressing enter after each:

  1. net stop cryptsvc
  2. md% systemroot% \ system32 \ catroot2.old
  3. xcopy% systemroot% \ system32 \ catroot2% systemroot% \ system32 \ catroot2.old / s

Delete now all the contents of the catroot2 folder along the path C: \ Windows \ System32 \ catroot2

After uninstalling, enter the command net start cryptsvc .

If you run Windows Update again, the directory folder will be reset.

Do not delete or rename the folder Catroot... The Catroot2 folder is automatically recreated by Windows, but the Catroot folder is not recreated if renamed. If you find that the catroot or catroot2 folder is missing or not being recreated if you accidentally deleted it, you can create a new folder with that name in the System32 folder, restart your computer, and then start Windows Update.

This issue is affecting the monthly Windows 7 security updates and updates, which means that critical security patches cannot be deployed to affected machines until the bugs are fixed.

When accessing the support page, you will notice that the bug is now flagged as a known issue, although it was not mentioned at the time of the release of the updates.

Installation this update may fail with error code 0x8000FFFF.

To resolve this issue, install KB3177467, the latest servicing stack update for Windows 7 SP1 and Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1, before installing this update.

The update was flagged as critical even though it is not a security update for Windows 7. This status is due to the fact that servicing stack updates are required for the update process to work correctly.

Servicing stack updates are periodic updates that are released to service or update the software stack of Windows platforms. Updates contain fixes and code fixes that are responsible for processing and managing updates, and are designed to improve the reliability of the update process and fix bugs that block the installation of patches for various parts of the system when deploying cumulative updates.

Servicing stack updates help maintain a robust and well-functioning servicing stack so that your devices receive and install Microsoft security fixes.

Some organizations, IT administrators and home users skipped the installation of the October 2016 servicing stack update, and at first glance, this did not affect the update process in any way, since all subsequent updates were installed without errors.

However, this changed with the release of the August 2018 updates for Windows 7 SP1. Security updates refused to install on devices that did not have the appropriate servicing stack update installed, and error 0x8000FFFF was shown.

Installing KB3177467 solved this problem, but most users and administrators were not aware of this way until Microsoft added the information to the list of known issues.

Why hasn't Microsoft noticed the error?

Microsoft says it only tests its monthly patches on fully patched systems. The issue was not found because Microsoft only tested the fixes on systems with an updated servicing stack.

What is Microsoft going to do to avoid similar problems in the future?

Microsoft plans to re-release KB3177467 on Patch Tuesday in October 2018 and classify it as a security update. While not a security update, categorizing the update like this ensures that it doesn't go unnoticed by customers this time around.

Any future servicing stack update will also be classified as a security update.

Each Windows product has its life cycle... It starts when the system is first released and ends when support and bug fixes are discontinued. Windows 7 is no exception, which will receive updates for a couple of years. In this article, we will take a closer look at the main reasons why updates are not installed in Windows 7 and how to fix this problem.

Description of the problem

Microsoft ended support for Windows 7 in 2015. But despite this, the release of security updates and fixes system errors will last until January 2020. Therefore, the problem when updates do not start, do not download, or an endless search for them appears, is quite common and popular.

Often it is associated with system problems or crashes. different components or system services, but viruses should also not be ruled out. A full scan of your computer for threats and further cleaning may help, but it is not 100% guaranteed.

Why Windows 7 updates are not installed

The main causes of failures in downloading and installing updates on the OS:

  1. Download problems. Files are initially loaded into the cache and stored there until the user allows them to be installed or restarts the computer. If you download them with errors, it is impossible to install updates on your computer. Unfortunately, when the update files are uploaded again, the data is not updated.
  2. Windows registry problems. Often, when installing updates, the problem is hidden in the failure of registry settings or incorrect parameters set in the registry.
  3. The Windows Update service has failed.
  4. Lack or limited amount of free memory on the system disk. Enough frequent problem, because if the amount of required hard disk space is small, the update will not be installed or will be installed with errors.
  5. Lack of internet or blockage installed antivirus... Very often antivirus blocks files unknown to it. Disabling it while the update is downloading will fix this problem.
  6. Blocking by a virus.

What to do if Windows 7 won't update

If Windows 7 does not install updates or is endlessly looking for them, the first step is to use the utility from Microsot "Fix It". Once launched, it will automatically fix any issues related to the Update Center. You can download the utility from the official website at the link.

Let's consider the main methods of fixing the problem.

Clearing files in the cache

If the reason is downloading updates with errors, you need to clear the downloaded update files located in the cache. And only then download them again. To fix the error when windows 7 updates are not installed:

Registry tweak

The problem with the OS registry is solved by removing the component responsible for updates. Follow these steps:

Starting OS services

If you receive a refusal to install an update in Windows 7, the problem may be in the system service and can be solved by doing the following:

  1. Click "Start" → in the search we write "Services" → open this window.
  2. In the window that appears, we are looking for a service with the name « Windows Update ". If the service is disabled, click "Start" and the problem will be resolved.
  3. If the service is up and running, click Stop.
  4. Launch the "Command Line" by pressing "Win + R" → type the command "SoftwareDistribution" → "OK".

  5. In the window that appears, delete all folders and files.

  6. Next, we start the service « Windows Update » (point 2) and restart the PC.
  7. Go to the update center and install the updates without previous errors.

If you do not have a specific update installed (an example of the update "kb2999226" is considered), you must enter the name of the update in the search field on the site, download it and install it on your computer.

At the end of the article, if Windows 7 updates with sp1 are not installed, the most effective way is to download it from the Microsoft website at the link.

If you have questions or these methods did not give a positive result, write in the comments.

As you know, starting with the Windows XP version, Microsoft Corporation constantly releases the so-called system updates and service packs. However, it is worth noting that for some reason an update error occurs in Windows 7 much more often than in other operating systems. What to do with this, we will now figure it out.

Why does Windows 7 need an update?

Whereas earlier system updates concerned most of the security system, recently (in particular, for Windows 7) they even affect some major device drivers, as well as specialized platforms. like Microsoft.NET Framework that are required for the operation of some programs and applications.

As for the problems, these are mainly errors of "Windows Update 7" and the file itself, which is responsible for starting the process of searching and installing updates on the system. Now we will dwell on the causes of errors and solutions to some of the most common problems in a little more detail.

Error installing Windows 7 updates: reasons

If we talk about the reasons, unfortunately, there can be a lot of them. First of all, this should include a disabled automatic update, damage to the update file under the influence of viruses and malicious codes, mutual conflicts between the firewall, antivirus and the update service, incorrect completion of the update process, etc.

Despite the fact that in Windows 7, the update error can be present in different forms, for each situation, you can find the most appropriate effective solution to the problem.

Automatic update check

Let's start with the simplest situation. It may well be that the automatic search and installation of updates is simply disabled. To test these settings, you must use the Update Center, where the update method line must contain either the automatic start option or the search parameter followed by an installation prompt.

Note that even if such parameters are applied, the system immediately starts scanning for official updates on the Web, or rather, on the official website of the Microsoft Update Center, since the system initially refers to it.

Manual update

If in Windows 7 the update error remains after turning on the automatic mode, you can use the manual search.

If everything goes smoothly here and the system prompts you to install the found updates, you just need to click the appropriate button. If, after that, the problem is not eliminated, you will have to take more effective measures.

First of all, you need to check system disk(on which, in fact, Windows 7 is installed) for errors. To do this, it is better to use the command line, rather than the properties of the disk, called through "Explorer". For example, in the Run menu, you can write the chkdisk c: \ f command, which allows you not only to check, but also to automatically correct system errors.

If the error repeats over and over again, the reason for its appearance may be that the file itself, which is responsible for starting the update process, is damaged. In this case, you need to perform a deep scan with any anti-virus software, and it is better to use the utilities under the general name Rescue Disc, which are launched even before the system starts from the optical media.

Firewall and antivirus issues

An equally common situation, when in Windows 7 an update error appears even after all of the above actions, there is a conflict between the process and the standard antivirus or firewall hidden from the user's eyes.

After all, it is clear that the updater accesses a reliable source (in in this case- directly to the resources of Microsoft), so that before starting the update process, they can be disabled for a while, but only on condition that the preliminary check showed that there are no viruses and threats.

Error after updating Windows 7

Now directly about the most common mistakes, in addition to what was described above. Windows 7 update error codes are a fairly large database, let's look at the three most common ones.

Error 643 is related to the inability to update the Microsoft .NET Framework. Other components of the system can be updated, but it is its update that causes the error. You just need to remove it from the system and reinstall it, after downloading the latest version from the official Microsoft website. By the way, with regard to uninstallation, it is better not to use the standard tools from the Programs and Features menu. In this case, advanced uninstallers will come in handy, which remove absolutely all residual files and entries of the system registry keys from the system.

One of the most powerful programs of this type is the iObit Uninstaller utility, which has a special Forced Uninstall mode.

Error code 800b0100 is no less common. In this situation, the most appropriate solution would be to use automatic fixers for problems such as the Fix It or the System Update Readiness Tool. In most cases, they are able to fix problems automatically, even without user intervention.

But the biggest headache for many users is the error code 0xc0000005. It appears after installing updates to the system. Usually, given type errors are caused by updates in the form of packages KB2859537 and KB2872339. Removing them allows you to get rid of annoying errors.

The easiest way is to type in the command line wusa.exe / uninstall / kb: 2859537 or the same, but only for the KB2872339 package (of course, you must log in as an administrator). If this does not help, you will have to use the update log, in which all packages should be sorted by date. Most likely, some last update is causing the crashes. Now you need to remove packages one by one, each time restarting the computer until the error disappears (you can use the same command line). When the problem is resolved, you can manually install the updates, but exclude the problematic packages from the list.