The purpose of the temp folder. Deleting temp folder in windows. What is stored in the Temp folder and is it possible to delete its contents

As the name suggests, the "TEMP" folder in the operating room Windows system contains files that she needs only temporarily. And over time, it becomes more and more in size, which significantly reduces the volume. free space on disk.

For a computer that has, for example, a terabyte hard drive with a large enough volume allocated for the system, clearing the Temp folder may not seem like a significant freeing up of space, but for a computer with a small disk size it is a great opportunity to free up additional space, which in some cases is sorely lacking ...

After reinstall Windows 7 two weeks ago, as of today it occupies 258 Megabytes in size and contains 463 files.

And this is just two weeks of work! In order to open the "TEMP" folder and view its contents on your computer, just enter% temp% in the search field of the "Start" button menu and open it.

Once there, you can start manually deleting all attached files and directories, but I'm sure you won't be able to delete all of them.

The system itself will not allow you to delete files that it has created today and is currently using.


The best way to clean it up is automatically when the operating system boots. And in this we will be helped by the created batch bat-file, which will contain only two lines of code. Let's start creating it. Open Notepad or Notepad ++, copy and paste the following lines.

Rd% temp% / s / q md% temp%

Created batch file must be copied to the "Startup" folder, for which in the search field of the "Start" button menu we enter:

% appdata% \ microsoft \ windows \ start menu \ programs \ startup \

and press the Enter key on your keyboard.

Paste the copied batch file "cleantemp.bat" and reboot the operating system.

Now, every time the system boots, this file will be automatically launched. That's all, you have learned how to clear the TEMP folder and free up additional disk space for storing various files.

The Temp folder in Windows can greatly slow down the system's performance, on the network who says what and it is very difficult to understand all opinions, why are these temporary files needed? If you still need to delete the temp folder, then how to automate this process? To be honest, I'm used to taking information from books, but this question turned out to be a difficulty, I had to turn to your Internet and you were the first to get caught!

Temp folder in Windows

If I got caught first, then I will try not to let the whole community down with my answer. What is the Temp folder in Windows and temporary files in general for? In the operating system, there are constantly many processes that belong to both Windows itself and various third-party programs... In the process of work, in order to preserve the intermediate or unfinished result of their activities, all running applications create temporary data files and actively use them.Temp folder in Windowsis a storage for temporary files.Undoubtedly, it is necessary to delete temporary files from the Temp folder, since too many files in this folder can negatively affect the performance of the entire operating system.

How to clear content Temp folders on Windows ? The operating system does not always manage to delete temporary files on its own, so this burden is shifted onto us. In addition, many programs do not delete temporary files at all. Sometimes we ourselves incorrectly shutting down the computer, do not allow the temporary files to be deleted on our own, they simply do not have time for this.Take, for example, the Windows 7 operating system, there are as many as five temporary folders in it, but the programs mainly use the first Temp folder and the second, they need to be cleaned first. You can delete the contents of the folders manually, or you can automate the process using the method given at the end of the article.

Let's take the first folder C: \ Windows \ Temp, during the day of work on the computer, it accumulated only 33.7 MB, although in a week it can accumulate several gigabytes, we will delete all the files. There are not many cases in which the Temp folder in Windows accumulated several tens of gigabytes on users' computers.

You can also delete temporary files used when visiting various pages on the Internet using the standard program Windows Cleaning disk. Start and type and Enter, select the C drive, at the same time delete other temporary files.

We automate the process of cleaning the Temp folder in Windows, create batch file script. If you have any difficulties, you can play it safe and create a restore point. Start, right-click on the My Computer icon -> Advanced options -> Environment Variables.

In this window, we need to change the Value of the TEMP and TMP variables to C: \ Windows \ Temp. Select the TEMP variable and click Change.

Enter the value C: \ Windows \ Temp and OK

We do the same with the TMP variable value.


Next, open any text editor and paste this code.
pushd% TEMP% && rd / s / q. > nul 2> & 1
pushd% WinDir% \ TEMP && rd / s / q. > nul 2> & 1
We save the file in the root of the C drive, under any name, but with the extension .cmd, for example alex.cmd.

Now we launch the editor group policies: Start - Run and enter the command gpedit.msc

Computer Configuration - Windows Configuration - Scripts (Startup / Shutdown).

Open the properties of the Shutdown parameter.

Click on the Add button and specify the path to the saved file

Many users sooner or later face the problem of lack of free space on system disk... We have already talked about how to make a complex one, and now we will turn our attention to one of the most active "eaters" of disk space - the Temp folder.

Where is Temp folder in Windows 7/10

Since the specified folder is a system folder, to show it, you must enable the display of hidden files and directories. To do this, in the top menu Windows explorer 7 select the "Service" item, and then go to the "Folder Options ..."

On Windows 10 to enable display hidden folders go to Explorer and click on top File - Change folder and search options.

On the "View" tab, again activate the item "Show hidden files, folders and drives."

That's it, now we can easily find the Temp folder. V Windows Vista, 7, 8 and 10 it is located in the catalog AppData user profile, specifically at:

C: \ Users \ User_name \ AppData \ Local \ Temp

If you have several accounts on your computer, then each of them has its own Temp folder. You can find out which account you are currently working under using the "Start" menu. From here it is also easy to go directly to the folder of the current user.

Let's make this transition on our computer. Next, we will follow the path AppData - Local.

Now let's find the Temp folder and see its size ( RMB - Properties).

We have it equal to 8.6 GB, not so much, but for owners of small HDD or SSD, each megabyte is worth its weight in gold. Moreover, there are examples when the size of Temp reached several tens or even hundreds of gigabytes.

What is stored in the Temp folder and is it possible to delete its contents

In the system Temp folder temporary files of applications and the operating system itself are stored (Temp is an abbreviation for Temporary, which translates as "temporary"). This is where intermediate files and document fragments are placed that are created during the operation of programs and the OS. As a rule, they are all deleted after the completion of certain operations or after a certain period of time. But in some cases, unnecessary components remain in the Temp folder forever, accumulating and leading to its strong growth.

Clearing the Temp Directory

There are several ways to clean up the Temp folder.


The easiest way to reduce the size of the Temp folder is to manually delete its contents as if it were normal user data. Select all files (Ctrl + A), and then press Shift + Del. If some files are currently in use by the system, then it will not work to delete them, and a corresponding message will appear on the screen. In this case, just click "Skip", having previously checked the "Perform this action for all current objects" box.

If the files in the Temp folder can be deleted manually without fear of disrupting the operation of the system, then the folder itself should not be touched.

Using the Disk Cleanup utility

Windows has built-in tools for cleaning the disk, including the temporary files directory. Find the standard Disk Cleanup utility through the search line of the Start menu and launch it.

Select the C drive from the list or any other drive if the OS is installed on it.

The program will analyze local disk and will determine the amount of space that can be freed by deleting unnecessary files... Here we are primarily interested in the "Temporary files" item, since the contents of the Temp folder are included here.

In our case, the size of temporary files was 11.4 GB. To remove them, put a check mark in the right place and press the "OK" button.

After the operation is completed, check the size of the Temp folder. We have reduced it from 8.6 GB to 188 MB, i.e. we have cleared more than 8 GB of free space.


There are many specialized utilities that allow you to optimize Windows work... Most of them have the necessary functionality for cleaning. system partition... For example does a great job with this function free app CCleaner. We launch it, go to the "Cleaning" section, put the necessary checkboxes in the left column and press the "Analysis" button. Next, start cleaning with the appropriate button.

So, now we figured out what this Temp folder is, whether it is possible to delete its contents and how to do it. If you have anything to add on this topic, leave comments below.

At work operating system Windows and third party software create temporary files, folder Temp- storage for them. Despite the fact that they should be deleted automatically, sometimes this process cannot be completed, for example, during an emergency shutdown of the PC (using the power button), and the Temp folder becomes clogged, this can lead to sad consequences. That is why it is extremely important to monitor its dimensions and, if necessary, clean it completely by hand.

The Windows 7 operating system has five Temp folders, two of which are the most commonly used: and. We will talk about them further.

The first important Temp folder is located on the system drive and is located directly in the Windows folder, along with important system files. It is she who must be cleaned first of all, since she is most susceptible to clogging. For some users, this Temp folder weighs several tens of gigabytes!

We clear it manually, it is very simple to do this:

  1. We go into the folder Temp which is located in the Windows directory.
  2. We select all the files located there.
  3. We remove them using the combination Shift + DEL.

Some of the files will be impossible to delete, since they are involved in this moment, just skip deleting them and that's it.

Appdata Temp folder located in the system files of each individual user, it is also commonly used by programs and various Windows services.

The path to it should be like this: system drive \ Users \ Username \ AppData \ Local \ Temp, do not forget about cleaning it, it is done in the same way as cleaning the windows temp folder. Attention, the AppData folder is hidden by default, to see it we enable the function, as described in the article.

To delete all temporary files, do the following:

This is how we get rid of all temporary files in all Temp folders., it is advisable to repeat the procedure at least once a month, they can greatly slow down the work of not only individual programs, but also the entire operating system.

Temp folder is a storage for temporary files with Windows system... Its task is to temporarily save required files during the operation of certain programs and the system in general. These can be like fragments of text that you copied into MS Word, or temporary files that appeared as a result of using the browser.

No space on drive C, what should I do?

You cannot figure out why the amount of free disk space is gradually decreasing - read the article to the end and you will understand why this is happening and how to deal with it.

It's all about temporary files that appear during the installation and operation of programs and the system itself. These files are contained in the Temp folder, which is created automatically and located in the Windows directory.

In most cases, such files are created while using a particular program, upon completion of work in which temporary files are automatically deleted. But, as practice shows, some of the temporary files still remain on your computer, take up space and simply clog your disk.

For a day or two, you may not notice that your disk space is gradually decreasing. With active use of the computer, the Temp folder becomes a whole collection of unnecessary files that the system forgot to delete. The total volume of such files is often more than 10 Gigabytes, which becomes very noticeable.

Therefore, if you want to free up space on the C drive, you will have to delete temporary files that have collected on your computer during your work. The Temp folder itself cannot be deleted., since it is in it that temporary files are stored that you use when working in certain programs. You can only delete its contents. Moreover, it is recommended to do this procedure periodically, since the Temp folder can very quickly become "clogged" with unnecessary files.

I think you figured out what the Temp folder is and the problems it can cause. Let's take a closer look at the process of clearing the Temp folder.

How do I clear the Temp folder?

You can use one of the following methods to empty the Temp folder. One of the most common ways to clear the contents of this folder is to manually delete all the files that are in it. For this you need:

  • go to the Windows folder and find a folder called Temp in it and open it.
  • You will see a number of files that the system forgot to delete. Therefore, select them and press Shift + delete, and permanently delete the contents of the folder.

Also, this procedure can be performed through the "Disk Cleanup" operation:

  • go to My computer, select the disk where the system files and press the right key;
  • select the item "Properties" from the selected menu;
  • after that, in the "General" tab, you will see the "Disk Cleanup" button, which must be clicked;
  • from the proposed cleaning options, select the "Temporary files" item and put a tick next to it and then confirm the deletion. This will clear the contents of the Temp folder and increase the amount of free space on your computer.

It is advisable to carry out this procedure at least once a month. So you get rid of unnecessary files, which, in addition to taking up space, also slow down the system.