Newsletter VKontakte. How to invite people to your newsletter

So, you have created a mailing list in your VKontakte group with the help of the Messaging application. By the way, a detailed step-by-step guide on organizing mailings in the VKontakte group is located. Now a reasonable question arises:

I'm sure my answer will baffle you. And my answer will be as follows - NO WAY! And now I will explain why I answered that way.

How users can join the VKontakte mailing list

It's all about what your followers should give a permission the application "Mailing messages" write to them. User must go into the application himself by clicking on the button calling to subscribe to the newsletter. In my case, it is literally called "Subscribe to the newsletter", but you can choose your own version of the button name.

After that, the user must choose the most interesting topics for him from those news categories that you offer him.

The question arises. Why, then, is the user import function added to the application?

Yes, indeed, we can add users (maximum 1000 links) to our mailing list, but it's not that simple.

Keep in mind that without consent to the newsletter, a person will only be able to receive messages from you if he already has a dialogue with your community. That is, the user has already communicated with you and used the "Write a message" button for this.

I want to draw your attention, friends! Even if a user already has a dialogue with your community and you added it to your mailing list, this does not mean at all that you can send him your commercial offers 10 times a day. After all, by and large, it is no different from spam.

Just imagine that all the groups and publics on VKontakte that you joined and subscribed to will start sending you their newsletter without your permission! Would you like it? I would definitely - no! Therefore, dear readers, let's remember that spam is bad, and we will never spam. Do you agree?

Then the next question arises. How, then, do you invite people to your mailing list? Can we just sit and wait for a person to replace the coveted "Subscribe to the newsletter" button and subscribe? Of course not! We need to act! But in legal ways! ????

How to invite people to your VKontakte mailing list

Go to the application management and click the "Actions" button in the upper right corner. Go to Community Settings.

In the window that opens, you can select a snippet - the name of the button that will accompany the link to the invitation. I left the one offered by the default application - "Open". You can choose another option.

After you decide on the snippet, you will need to copy the link - copy it and go to your VKontakte group and prepare a post-call in which you invite your community subscribers to subscribe to your mailing list.

My post call looks like this. If you want to get to know him in more detail, then you can do it