Launching the installation disk from bios. How to boot from an "installation" DVD or USB flash drive - BIOS settings in pictures. How to enter the boot menu or BIOS

Very often a situation arises when you need to boot from a CD DVD disc, for example, when installing windows, or loading other applications directly when the computer starts up.

To make such a boot, you need to make small manipulations with the BIOS settings, there are no difficulties here. You just need to press the keys on the keyboard a couple of times.

Depending on your BIOS (Ami or Award), you can configure it to boot from a CD-DVD disc. What kind of BIOS you have can be understood from the pictures in the instructions.

Install CD-DVD boot into Award BIOS.

2.Using the arrows on the keyboard, select the Advanced BIOS features tab and press Enter

3. Select the First Boot device tab, press the Enter key, in the window that appears, use the arrows on the keyboard to put the pointer opposite the CDROM inscription and press Enter.

4. We exit the BIOS while maintaining the settings, for this we press the F10 key on the keyboard. After the red window appears, press the Enter key. The computer will restart and if you have installed a CD-DVD disc with boot sector then it will try to run its contents, such as installing windows.

Install boot from CD-DVD in Ami BIOS.

1. Launch BIOS settings by pressing Delete keys at the moment the computer starts up.

2. Using the arrows on the keyboard, select the Boot tab, then select the Boot Device Priority item, using the Enter key, go to this item.

3. Select the 1st Boot Device item, in the window that appears, select your CD-DVD drive and press the Enter key.

4. Exit the BIOS while maintaining the settings, for this we press the F10 key on the keyboard, select OK in the window that appears and press the Enter key. The computer will reboot and if you have a disc with a boot sector installed in the CD-DVD drive, it will try to start its contents, for example, installing windows.

Booting from disk in BIOS is required for various reasons. Most often this is needed for Windows installations... But sometimes you need to put a boot from the disk to restore the operating system. You may have caught a virus. Or the computer stopped turning on. In such cases, you can configure boot from disk and try to restore the PC.

This is not difficult to do. Moreover - it is much easier than. Indeed, in the latter case, you need to additionally check whether the USB devices are turned on.

I note right away that the OS version does not play a role here. You can have Windows 10, 8, 7 or XP - it doesn't matter. The brand of the laptop doesn't really matter either. Only the BIOS version is important. There are 4 of them: Award, AMI, Phoenix and the new BIOS UEFI. Each version differs in outward appearance, and some items are named differently. Although the procedure is the same everywhere.

To enter the BIOS, you need to click one button when you turn on your computer or laptop. Most often it is Delete or F2. Sometimes F1 or Esc.

Let's start with the desktop PCs. On older computers, Award BIOS is most often installed. It looks like this:

To put boot from disk in BIOS, do the following:

By the way, if you accidentally changed unfamiliar settings, then when you exit BIOS, when you are asked whether to save the changes, write N (ie No - "No"). Then you can go to it again.

If you did everything correctly, the computer will boot from the disk. As a result, you will see a black screen with one single line.

Press any button and it will begin Windows boot from disk (if you burned exactly the OS). With the Award sorted out - let's move on.

On laptops, the AMI BIOS version is usually found

On laptops, the AMI BIOS version is usually found. It looks like this:

The laptop will restart and you will see the same black screen with one line. Press any button to start booting the laptop from disk.

This manual is suitable for laptops of any brand - Lenovo, Asus, Acer, HP Pavilion, MSI, Samsung, etc. If you have a different BIOS version, then 2 more options are considered below. Perhaps one of them is your case.

How to set boot from disk?

The third BIOS version is Phoenix. It is less common in comparison with the rest of the options (mainly on old laptops). Looks like that:

How to set boot from disk to this case? To do this, do the following:

The laptop or computer will automatically reboot. Click any button to start loading the installation disc (or recovery disc).

And the latest version is the new UEFI BIOS

AND latest version- new BIOS UEFI. It looks different - depending on the manufacturer of the motherboard installed on the PC, or the brand of laptop.

It has stylish graphical interface therefore it is not difficult to define it.

How to put boot from disk to UEFI? This is even easier to do than in the previous 3 options. True, setting up booting from disk can be done a little differently - depending on the specific brand of laptop or PC.

For example, ASUS has a Boot Priority section at the bottom. And all connected devices are displayed here - hard drive, CR-ROM, flash drive. You just need to drag the drive icon to the first position with the mouse, as shown in the screenshot.

Then click "Exit" (in the upper right corner) and save the settings.

The PC or laptop will automatically reboot and you will see a black screen. Click any button to start loading the operating system from disk.

When you do what you want (install Windows or restore your PC), do not forget to switch the device boot back. That is, change the settings in BIOS: put HDD first, and the floppy drive second. Otherwise, when you turn on the PC, the system will always boot from the DVD first, and if it is not there, then from the hard drive. This applies not only to the UEFI BIOS, but also to other versions.

How to set boot from disk to UEFI from other manufacturers - MSI or Gigabyte? All you need to do is find the "Boot Priority" item and change the priority of turning on the devices. Gigabyte has it in the "BIOS Features" section.

And at MSI - in the settings ("Settings").

In order to start a laptop from a disk, you need to change the boot order of the devices. The default order on a work laptop is: hard drive, DVD drive, flash drives, and so on. The CD may contain both the installer of the operating system and a full-fledged mobile version operating system, so that in the event of a laptop OS failure, you can fix it or save important data before reinstalling the OS.

To enable booting from a CD, you need to enter the BIOS by pressing the “Delete” (Del) or “F2” button after turning it on and before loading the operating system. On some laptops, there are other BIOS entry buttons, but they are so rare that they are rather the exception to the rule. In the BIOS, select the “Boot” or “Boot menu” tab. If there are no such tabs - in the “Advanced” tab, look for the line “Boot” or “Boot priority”. In the tab or in the “Boot” line, set the boot order so that the first place is the drive.

After that, you need to press F10 and Enter, or select Save settings and reboot in the last tab, thereby saving the new boot sequence settings. Insert into floppy drive boot disk, the CD will now boot automatically. After all the operations that require booting from the disk, you should go into the BIOS again and set the first boot from hard disk... This must be done for faster loading of the operating system.

If the first in the queue is to boot from a DVD, then each time the laptop is turned on, the drive is first interrogated, and after the computer realizes that there is no disc in the drive or the disc is not bootable, it boots from the hard drive. This increases the boot time of the operating system.

This article describes how to install or reinstall Windows 7.

Before starting the installation, you need to complete a few preparatory steps. At the beginning of the article, we have placed detailed content so that you can quickly view the entire sequence of actions and go to the necessary part of the instruction.

If you are interested in a specific issue (for example, errors during installation, how to enter and configure the BIOS, etc.), the links in the content will allow you to jump directly to it.

If you are a beginner, then just follow the guide from start to finish: each point is described in as much detail as possible and includes links to help instructions.

What should be ready before starting the installation

Review the list below to check if your computer and system are ready for installation, or reinstalling Windows 7 and take the necessary steps to complete the preparation.

What are the types of installation, how to keep personal files and programs

There are two types of installation:
  • Complete reinstallation of the operating system (OS) when completely erased partition hard disk (or the entire disk), including all your programs, documents and files.
  • An OS update that updates only system files.
Updating the OS has several disadvantages. Therefore, it is recommended to perform a complete reinstallation of the system, and for this you will need to save all personal files and program settings.

If you haven't done so already, read the article on preparing for installation, from which you will learn:

  • how to save all important personal data;
  • what programs will be needed immediately after installation and where to download them;
  • can i copy installed drivers where to find drivers after installation;
  • analysis of some special cases;
Save all data and proceed to the next step.

How to legally download original Windows 7 x64 or x32 image for free.

Download original image you can legally using the program « Windows ISO Downloader ": the Windows image file will be uploaded with Microsoft official website.

Program file Windows ISO Downloader with version 5.21 (dated September 20, 2017) attached to the article (to the right of this text).
How to download the image correctly is shown in the figure below:

Please select Windows partition 7, then the desired revision Windows image 7 and the "Confirm" button.

We strongly do not recommend use assemblies of Windows 7 - use only original system images.

Microsoft has several aircraft hangars of various equipment designed to test the operation of the operating system on various combinations of devices. Therefore, the official OS image works correctly for the vast majority of users.

The authors of assemblies do not have such opportunities for testing, therefore, a certain percentage of users will have problems during the operation of the assembly, which can only be solved by a complete reinstallation of Windows.

Which version of the image to choose: 32 bit or 64 bit

Everything is very simple: a 64-bit OS is needed in two cases: so that the computer can "see" 4GB or more random access memory and so that you can work with "heavy" programs or games. Attention!
Some new programs and games may not run on 32 bit Windows.

  • If the amount of RAM is 4GB or more, feel free to choose x64 (64 bits).
  • If the computer is old and complex programs (for example, audio and video editors, design systems, multimedia packages) are not used, choose x32 (32 bits).
More detailed information the difference between 32 bit and 64 bit operating systems is presented in this article.

The easiest way to see how much RAM you have is to right-click on the icon "My computer" → select item "Properties" in the context menu.

The window that opens will indicate the amount of RAM, as well as the bitness of the system currently installed.

Which version of Windows 7 should I choose: Home, Professional, or Ultimate?

Exists different versions(edition) Windows 7, some of which are very different in functionality... More about Windows versions can be read.

Most often, when installing, they choose between the versions " Professional " and " Ultimate ».
The best choice in terms of the version of the image would be « Windows 7 Professional » .
But don't worry if yours is different. Windows edition- the installation process will be the same.
In the edition " Professional " Unlike "Ultimate" there are not a number of services that most users will never use.
You probably haven't even heard of their names: DirectAccess, Unix Application Launcher, BranchCache, BitLocker, etc. Accordingly, hard disk space version « Professional » will take less.

How to burn an image to a DVD or a USB flash drive correctly?

If you have already recorded the image and the installation from it proceeded normally, then you can immediately proceed to the next chapter. If you do not know with what programs you can write an image to a disk or a USB flash drive, then the following auxiliary articles will help you: Please note that installing from a USB flash drive is more reliable and also faster. If you have a 4GB or more flash drive available, then it is better to install from it.

Windows reinstallation process.

So, preparation for installation is complete: all personal data is saved, the media with the operating system distribution has been created, and a section has been prepared on which the image will be installed.

Setting Boot Device Priority in BIOS

  1. Restart your computer and enter BIOS.
    • on personal computers most often the buttons are used to enter the BIOS « DELETE» (« Del»), « F2 ","F1", "Esc»
    • on laptops - keys « Feight", "Fnine", "F12", "Esc»
  2. After going to the BIOS, you need to find the menu section responsible for installing devices to boot the OS.
    The section can be in different places (depending on the type of motherboard and BIOS version), so you need to find the menu « FIRST BOOT DEVICE », « BOOT » or « BOOT DEVICE ».
  1. You need to go to this section of the menu and install the drive in the first place DVD or HDD disk(your Flash drive) depending on what media the image is recorded on.
  2. After that, you need to exit the BIOS, saving the changes.
    Most often, to save changes before exiting, you need to press the key « F ten" and then confirm saving by pressing « Y » or by selecting the item « Yes » in the dialog box.
If you have any difficulties with entering BIOS, saving changes or finding settings for the priorities of boot devices, then read the article on setting parameters in the BIOS.

In the article you will find instructions with examples:

  • how to enter BIOS or UEFI with examples different screens BIOS.
  • how to find an option "BOOT DEVICA PRIORITY".
  • See a table with a list of keys for entering BIOS on laptops from different manufacturers.

Autorun Windows installation from DVD or USB flash drive

If you did everything correctly, then after restarting your computer, you will see the following:

  • if you are using a DVD, you will see the inscription "Press any key for load from CD ..." (press any key to boot from CD). You must immediately press any key, since after a short amount of time (about 10 seconds), the download will start from the next device installed in the BIOS to boot.
  • if you used a flash drive, the installation will start immediately
By setting operating system, you must be careful and careful with functions that you do not fully understand.
The site administration is not responsible for the result of your actions.

Start installation

Your computer may have gray and blue USB connectors. If you install the OS from a USB flash drive, be sure to plug the USB flash drive into the slot USB2.0 (gray) otherwise the installer may not see it.
The fact that the installer of the operating system has started work, you can judge by the line that appears at the bottom of the screen.

Figure 1. Installer Windows 7 copies files from media for further OS installation.
When preparation for installation is complete, you will see the inscription "Starting Windows" .
After that, the Windows 7 installation window will appear.

Figure 2. Beginning of installation Windows 7: Select the language, time format and layout to install.
We will leave the time format, language and keyboard layout unchanged (as shown in Figure 2). Click on the button "Further" , after which you can start the process by clicking on the button "Install" .

Figure 3. Start installation Windows 7
You must now read and agree to the Microsoft License Agreement and click again "Further" .

Figure 4. License agreement for installation and subsequent use Windows 7.

Selecting an installation type

  • A system update will allow you to reinstall Windows over your existing operating system.
  • Full installation will allow you to choose existing section to install or re-partition the hard disk. The system will be installed cleanly, so this option is more acceptable (we wrote in more detail about the types of installation at the beginning of the article).

Figure 5. Selecting the type of operating system installation.
We choose "Full installation (additional parameters)", as shown in Figure 5.

Figure 6. Choosing hard disk for further installation Windows 7.

Hard disk partitions for system installation

After proceeding to the full installation, we will be presented with a list hard drives where you can create or select partitions to install. At this step, there may be several options for the development of events.

  • You have only one hard drive in your system.
  • You have a separate hard drive (possibly an SSD) where the operating system will be installed and separate drives for storing data.
  • The installer does not see the hard drive or other errors occur (below are links to articles that walk through these issues step by step)
If you have multiple hard drives, transfer all important data to the drive where your personal files will be stored, and unplug it to avoid accidentally confusing drives when partitioning or formatting.
If you have only one hard drive (or SSD), then it is advisable to split it into parts (if the disk space allows it).

The disk must be divided into parts so that at least 50GB is allocated for the system, perhaps even more, because for normal Windows work 7 it is desirable that the system partition has at least 15-20% free space.
The disk is partitioned to make it easier to reinstall the operating system in the future.

For example, you only have 1 hard drive in your computer with a capacity of 500GB.

You split it into 2 parts: 120GB (disk " C: ") and 380GB (Disk " D)

Now on disk « D you store music, movies, photos, program installers, driver folders, games, etc., and on disk « C you install programs to work.

Files from the "Desktop" and "My Documents" folders are also stored on disk « C:». When in the future you want to reinstall Windows, you just need to transfer (copy) all important files from the desktop and other folders on the disk. « C to disk « D, then perform a full reinstallation with disk formatting « C.
If the disk is not divided into partitions, then you will have nowhere to transfer data from the disk. « C:», and you won't be able to format it.

Partitioning a disk

In this step, you can create partitions on your hard drive if:

  • the hard disk is not partitioned (new or all partitions were previously deleted);
  • there are no important files on the hard disk and all information can be deleted.
The new hard disk is immediately displayed as a single partition and is labeled as "unpartitioned" (see Figure 6).
If you are going to repartition the disk (and all important files have already been transferred from it), then you need:
  1. Sequentially delete all partitions of your disk using the button "delete" . Attention! All files on these sections will be deleted!
  2. Select the unallocated partition that appears, click the button "Create" (see Figure 6).
  3. Specify the size first for the system partition (which will be the disk « C ) then create a partition for the disk « D (and other disks, if necessary).
If the disk was not allocated, the OS installer will additionally create a 100MB partition to store special system files.

Selecting a partition to install

If partitions on the disk were created earlier:

  1. Select the system partition (on which the OS was previously installed).
  2. Click on the button "Format".
  3. After formatting, select the cleared section and click on the button "Further".
If the installer does not see the hard drive, requires a device driver, or has other problems, then search and fix your error using these two articles:
  • Analysis of various types of errors during the installation of Windows 7 (including by codes).
  • What to do if the installer does not see the device (drive, hard drive, keyboard or mouse, etc.).
In Figure 6, you can see a 35GB unpartitioned disk.

Figure 7. Creating a partition on a hard disk
In our case, no section has been created yet, so you need to click on the button "Create" (Figure 7), then indicate the volume of the created section (Figure 8) and click on the button Apply .

Figure 8. Selecting the volume for a partition on a hard disk

Figure 9. Window for confirmation of partition creation
After that, the operating system installer will inform you that an additional partition will be created to store system files:

Figure 10. Installing Windows 7.
Click on the button "Further", after which the installation will begin (copying all system files and the process of setting up the OS).

The process of copying files will take 15-30 minutes and will not require any action from you.

Figure 11. Installation completion window
After the files have been copied and unpacked, the computer will restart.

At this point, you must remove the DVD or Flash drive from your computer, as the installation will continue from the hard drive where you copied the required files.

After rebooting, you will see a window with the completion of the installation.

Figure 12. Entering the username and network computer name for the installed system.
The completion process will take a few minutes, after which it starts initial setup operating system.

Completing Windows installation and initial setup

When the setup process is complete, you will be prompted for a username to create your account, as well as the name of the computer for subsequent network identification (under this name, your computer will be visible in local Windows networks).

Figure 13. Setting a password for an account (optional).
Next, you will be prompted for a password and a password hint. If you want to protect access to your account with a password, then enter it. Or you can skip this step by clicking the button "Further" .

Hello my dear readers!

If you've ever installed a new operating system, chances are you were just updating it. For example, from "seven" to "eight" and so on. Yesterday I tried to install the OS from scratch, and I had to do it through the BIOS setup. The matter requires care, but everyone should know these aspects. Today I will tell you how to reinstall Windows through BIOS, and different ways and from various media.

What is BIOS and where does it come from?

If explain in simple words, then BIOS is a set of small programs that control the work of your hardware in the computer. It can be found on any PC, stationary or laptop. Not knowing about the purpose of this or that section in it, I strongly advise against changing something in it myself. In the worst case, you can simply burn the iron in your car.

For example, turn off the fan on the video card and that's it. The service won't help you here. But you still have to interact with BIOS. Especially with the section that is responsible for the order of loading from an optical drive, hard drive, flash drive or other device. This is necessary when installing an OS from scratch.

How to enter BIOS

Everything is very simple. This is done without a disk and a flash drive. First you need to restart your laptop. Or your stationary PC. As soon as the motherboard loading screen appears, you will see this picture.

Pay attention to the line that I indicated with the arrow. The key is there by default. DEL, and if it is pressed at the moment such a screen appears, then you will immediately be taken to the BIOS. However, the keys can be different, for example: DELETE, F10, F11, F12, F1, F2, F3, Esc... Moreover, in some motherboards These settings can be called up not with one key, but with a combination of those. Here are the most common ones: Ctrl + Alt + Esc, Ctrl + Alt + Ins, Ctrl + Alt + S, Ctrl + Alt + Del, Ctrl + Alt, Fn + F1, Ctrl + Ins, Ctrl + Alt + Enter... You should have a window like this.

If this did not happen, then something you did wrong. Please try again.

Preparing for installation

Before installing the OS, you first need to download and burn it. Which version of Windows you prefer is up to you. I will only give links to distributions at:

  • Windows 7.
  • Windows 8.
  • Windows 10.

To download images you need torrent download program... Just install it and download the distribution online. If this download method is not convenient for you, I suggest Alternative option... There is software on this page that will help you load Windows and burn it to disk, just scroll down the page to the very bottom and click here.

If you nevertheless decide to use torrents, then you will need another software to burn the ISO. UltraISO... It will help you create a bootable disc or USB flash drive. Install it and open it.

Important: After downloading the distribution kit, be sure to check it for viruses, for example, using Comodo Internet Security.

Let's say you decide to install an operating system from a disk (don't forget to prepare it in advance). Open UltraISO and select the image of the downloaded system in it.

You can also do this through the menu “ File».

Everything that is on the OS image should be displayed in the program window itself.

Next, insert into your optical drive a clean piece. Make sure that there are no scratches on it, otherwise it will simply not be readable. Then in the menu " instruments"Click on this line.

You will see a window with a choice of drive, burning speed and file of the OS itself.

Then just press the button " Write down"And wait for completion. That's it, you just created a bootable disk yourself.

Don't want to install an operating system from a DVD? I will tell you how to do this using a USB flash drive!

Just plug it into the USB port and scan for viruses with AVG AntiVirus Free. Next, do the same with the UltraISO program until you select the tab “ instruments". Now you select the section "" and there you click to write image of tough disk.

In the appeared plate, select “ Yes"And wait for the end. Now you can start recording. As soon as the process is completed, you can remove the USB flash drive and proceed to the installation.

Configuring BIOS for booting from media

Now let's configure the system. We go into the BIOS. You have already read how to do this above. The fact is, my dear readers, that the BIOS itself can be of two types. Award and AMI. And in each of them the setting will be different. I wrote an instruction for you so that you don't get confused.

Award BIOS - boot from disk

As soon as appeared blue screen settings, click the second line, where it says - Advanced BIOS Features.

Then in the second line (First Boot Device) press Enter and choose your optical drive.

In the second line (Second Boot Device), do the same, but select the hard disk.

AMI BIOS - setting for booting from disk

The principle is the same here, but the course of action is slightly different and the interface is more pleasant.

In the first line we expose our drive, and in the second the hard drive. All you press F10.

If you decide to install Windows from a USB flash drive, then the algorithms are the same, but instead of a drive, you choose the USB-HDD line.

Otherwise, everything is the same. Reboot your PC. But don't forget to insert your bootable media.

Installation process

This is the final stage. Now that your bootable media has loaded, you will see the operating system installer dialog box with a choice of language. Next, you will have such a window with a choice of the type of installation. Opt for a complete installation.

Then select the hard disk partition, format it and click "next".

The system will do the rest by itself, you just need to enter the username, select the region, configure the Internet and download the Dr Web Cureit antivirus. And that's all, now you are able to independently install the operating system through BIOS. My congratulations!


Configuring BIOS to boot from disk:

Configuring BIOS for booting from a USB flash drive:

Installing Windows:

I want to warn you right away, without a disk and a flash drive, it is impossible to make a complete installation of the system! You need a carrier in any case, so take care of this beforehand.

On this I will say goodbye to you. Subscribe to my blog updates to keep abreast of the latest useful articles. Share information with your friends in social networks, because this information will be useful to absolutely everyone who has a computer! All the best and see you soon!